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Forex Platforms - an Insider Guide
Friday, 6 February 2009
Forex Platforms - an Insider Guide
Forex Platforms - Click here to read the hot new Underground Guide to Forex Platforms and Software

By the end of this article I will show you how to:
-----Get informed today on Forex Platforms and Hosts!
-----Get a Forex Account for less than $5.00!
-----Identify the hidden problems in Forex Platforms and Programs!
-----Generate automated residual wealth using a computer!

--Part II Direct Link- --
--Part III Direct Link- --
--Part IV Direct Link- --

Part I Introduction to Forex Platforms and Software

With Obama's new legacy in office many of us are fearfull yet idealistic about our current financial outlook. You could get a second job(Yeah, Right!) or you could look at the nearly robotic computer programs recently released that allow your computer to trade on the Forex Platforms. Listen to my experiences--

...Three Vital Areas...
The secret key is about the ability to process the updates from the Foreign Exchange Brokers as fast as the FX Server, Software, and Broker can. There are many new Forex Platforms out now that tell you when and what to trade based on computer measurements of the signals it receives fr0m the Forex Platforms. This is why understanding the right combination of Forex software, FX servers, and low-draw brokers are of extreme importance!

Ignoring the solid foundatin required to make Forex Platfoms perform is like putting a Hyper-Dive in a go-kart. If you want your own Robot Server Farm here are three vital pieces in order to be able to leverage the full potential Forex Platforms. Remember, Those that are ontop of the mountain did not fall there. What is your Forex Platfoms strategy?

Section 1 Forex Platforms software... aka: your "Expert Advisor"
Before I tell you about Forex Platforms technology let me educate you about fakes. Alot of companies demo accounts are not in "real time" so the results are doctored and faked. Real time is key! Only the quickets designed platforms, written in the most leading-edge API's running on bleading-edge Forex Platforms can handle the billions of calculations per second to signal the exact moment to trigger a strategic trade.

{What is you won 80% of your wagers? You would be proud and a little rich too, right? Well there are only a few Forex Platforms out there that can be in the top 2% of Forex Platforms and beat the other competition. Like my daddy always told me, "Proof is in the pudding!" Or Forex Platforms in this example!

In the next part we will being to cover the acctual Forex systems that we will use to make our empire of computerized Forex Platfroms. On to Part II - Advanced Guide to Forex Platforms...

Other good links about Forex Platforms
Advanced Forex Platforms
Reduced Forex Programs
Blackhat Forex Platforms

Posted by forexauthority99 at 12:02 AM EST
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